Get Involved!
We often say your level of satisfaction with New Hope Church is directly related to your level of involvement. New Hope has many ministries and programs, and you are warmly encouraged to participate in any that match the unique set of gifts, abilities, and interests God has given you.
Children’s Ministry
We offer activities for children pre-k through 5th grade including Sunday School, Kids WOW Wednesday evening program, Easter Egg Hunt, and Vacation Bible School. 
Youth Ministry
Activities for middle school and high school students, including Sunday School, Youth Group, and mission trips.
Adult Ministry
Activities for young adults through seniors, including men’s and women’s ministries, Bible and book studies, discipleship programs and Sunday School after worship.
Music Ministry
Explore opportunities to participate in worship through vocal and instrumental music and audio/visual support.
Missions & Outreach
We are engaged in numerous programs and projects to assist people in the church, community, and beyond. 
Connect with other church members through our fellowship opportunities such as Lenten Soup Suppers, annual pig roast, ice cream socials and more!