Welcome to the New Hope Nursery!

We are so glad to be part of your child’s spiritual journey. At New Hope, we believe that even the youngest baby can understand and benefit from ministry about Jesus. 

The Nursery at New Hope welcomes children from birth through three years old. Once a child is three years old, s/he can attend Children’s Sunday School.

The Nursery is open on Sunday mornings during Discipleship Hour and Worship. The Nursery is also open for Choir/Band Rehearsals, Women’s Bible studies and various other programs throughout the week.

 Meet the team!

Kaitlyn Gushue
Kaitlyn has been working in the Nursery at New Hope since 2008 and has been attending since 1991! She loves children and enjoys spending time with them in the nursery, especially hearing their giggles. Kaitlyn enjoys spending time outside on her porch after working long days, she loves the beautiful views. She also enjoys exploring the city!
Favorite Bible Verse: As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. – Proverbs 27:19
Karrie Pritt

Karrie has volunteered in the nursery for a year before she starting working in the nursery in summer of 2021. She has been attending New Hope Church since 2020. Karrie loves playing with the children in the nursery and experiencing their joy and excitement. Outside of work, she likes to read, work out and spend time with family playing outside or playing board games.

Favorite Bible Verse: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. -John 16:33

Lindsey Castro
Lindsey started working in the nursery Summer 2023 but has attended New Hope since 2015. Lindsey loves getting to know new families in the nursery! Outside of school and work, Lindsey enjoys reading and shopping!
Favorite Bible Verse: God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Psalm 46:5