Staff & Leadership

Rev. Sarah Palsma, Pastor
Rev. Sarah Palsma grew up in Syracuse, NY before landing in Columbus, OH. She is a graduate of Northwestern College in Orange City, IA (B.A. in History and Religion) and Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI (Master of Divinity). Pastor Sarah previously served at New Hope Church for over 10 years as the Associate Pastor. She is a voracious reader, habitual hiker, musical theater enthusiast, and college basketball fan.
Rev. Dr. Christopher Jacobsen, Pastor
Rev. Dr. Christopher Jacobsen is Co-Pastor of New Hope. He is a native of Sioux City, IA, and a graduate of Northwestern College in Orange City, IA (B.A. in Religion), New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Jersey (Masters of Divinity), and Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN (Doctor of Ministry in Congregational Mission and Leadership). Pastor Chris previously served churches in Freehold, NJ, and Wyckoff, NJ. He and his wife Sarah have three children. He is a lifelong fan of the Dallas Cowboys and enjoys many sports and hobbies, including golf, music, comic books, roasting coffee, and brewing beer.

Administrative Leaders
- Amy Hinton, Office Manager,
- Rob Chappell, Church Administrator, - Emily Dean, Communications Manager,
- Suzie Stalter, Director of New Hope Education Center,
- Emma Vander Stoep, Children’s Ministry Program Coordinator - Richie Gregory, Organist & Music Associate
Consistory is the governing board of New Hope Church which is comprised of installed Elders, Deacons, and Ministers.
- Jeff Bartula, Liz Rorapaugh, Sandy Moberger, Shawn Barret, Kathie Gardner, Ken Harris, Adam Hall
- Bill Bryan, Terri Forgy, Greg Cuda, Tom Boyd, Takak Tysen, Rick Schuster, Wendi Leon